Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Critical Mass Day Zero Post

Day Zero Post:

Welcome to Critical Mass Media Review. My name is KC and I hope you enjoy what you see. Let's get some stuff out of the way. First, why am I doing this? Well, I have lots of opinions and some people actually value them. I also have an innate talent for seeing things the way they are. I don't mess with nostalgia, or rose colored glasses so you can rest assured that my opinions are as close to unbiased as they come. But most importantly, I get bored and when I get bored, I consume media. Then I get ideas and so this is an outlet for those ideas. Maybe you'll find some of what I have to say enlightening. Perhaps you won't. That's not really my concern.
Second, what qualifies me to do this sort of thing. Well... Nothing really. I do work as a professional in the music industry and I have put a lot of effort into learning about technical and storytelling techniques as it pertains to film, but at the end of the day, I'm just playing armchair QB so none of what I say is doctrinal. You'll find that I can be pretty self-deprecating. It's just my sense of humor, which is really dry by the way. I hope it resonates with you on some level.
Third, what can you expect. That's a really good question. I'll review those things that I've been experiencing most recently and that have welled up feelings passionate enough to comment on. Mostly, I imagine that will entail science fiction film as I get a lot of that in my life and I have the most experience with it. But, I do read the occasional book and since it is, technically, my profession, there might be some music in there. I don't do a ton of video games, but on the rare occasion that one endears itself to me one way or another, I may comment about it.
I realize that I can't police all of the Internet, but I would like to lay out some ground rules. I don't like trolls. I don't feed them and if you comment as one, I'll just delete the post. I do encourage comments that are constructive and well informed though. I appreciate hearing the opinions of others so that I can reflect on what has been said and see how it fits my personal paradigm. It's my personal opinion that if there isn't any challenge taking place in your life, you're not getting the full experience.
I think I've covered most of the bases. A final note, I'm pretty novice at this and I'm not entirely certain what I want it to be when it all comes together so bear with me as I undertake the mundane process of shaping this the way I would like it to go. I'll attempt to make the trip as fun as possible for you, although I make no guarantees. However, I promise to at least attempt to dazzle you with my overabundance of wit and charisma throughout this journey*. Please enjoy and if something gets you riled up, feel free to share you substantiated opinion.

*Author makes no guarantees of usage of either wit, nor charisma, or anything even remotely approaching humor.

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